New Beginnings – March 2016
Posted by Baileys Office on
Wood is a time of exciting movement, new beginnings and planning – and it’s like that more than ever in the Bailey Essences business this year.
For a number of years, since I have been in Canada, the business has struggled. I have been looking for almost as long for someone to help, since I felt it wasn’t possible for me to run the business successfully from such a distance.

Jenny Howarth
We have now found someone who we love, who we think is capable, and who is willing to take on the running of the Bailey Essences business. Chris will retain 10% of the business as we wanted at least a little of the company to be kept within the family. I will continue to write the newsletter and I will build on my own work with the essences out in Canada – seeing clients, running courses and so on.

Nicky Whitehead
Jenny Howarth is a flower essence producer of the Verbeia range of essences and she has a business background. It was always important to us both that both of these qualities should be in the new owner and we are lucky to have found her. Jenny will be joined in the business by Nicky Whitehead. Nicky is a Homeopath and a Chartered Accountant, who has been working closely with Jenny for over ten years. Jenny and Nicky are based locally, and so the business will continue to be run from Chris’s house, and Chrissie and Jan will continue to be employed. On the surface, to begin with, little will change.
I know Jenny has great plans for the future growth of the business which includes making the inspiration cards that so many of you have been asking for and working on the website marketing and so on.
The timing feels so right for this! We have spent much of the Water season in contemplation and reflection and just as we move into Wood, all the documents will be signed and the plans for the business will begin to unfold. Chris and Jenny will give a presentation at the BFVEA meeting in March of this year and I hope we can put a transcript of that, or even a video, onto the website so that those of you who are not there will be able to see.
I have been feeling Arthur’s presence so much over the last few days and I know that he approves of these changes. As I have reflected on Arthur and the essences, I decided to dowse for the essences to write about in this newsletter. The results surprised me! And made me laugh too.
I thought I would get things like Transition, Snowdrop, perhaps Conifer Mazegill, or Sacred Lotus. Arthur used to say that you can feel more confident than ever with your dowsing if you pick something that you didn’t expect to, and then when you read it, you can see how it fits.
So when I dowsed, asked the question, “Which three essences would be most appropriate to include in my newsletter this time”. When I saw them, I also asked, “Is this for an individual person?” Answer: No. “Is this relevant for many people reading the newsletter”. Answer: Yes. Finally I asked, “Is it relevant to the season too?”. Answer: Yes.
So here goes:
Marsh Thistle.
For those locked in the past. This is a beautiful essence for fear of change, fear of new things. It is for people who are locked in their familiar and routine ways of being. Marsh Thistle encourages us in a gentle way to welcome change and new things in our lives. Human beings in general don’t really like change – we sometimes regard it as unsafe, unnecessary, undesirable… But change is inevitable, and change is healthy and can lead to great things when we are open and positive about it.
For things that have you by the throat, and seem to be so over-powering that there is no way out. At times, it can seem that we are held back and unable to move in any direction – we feel powerless. Oxalis eases this strangled feeling. It is of great help to people who have difficulties in allowing in the new – or in releasing the old.
Tree Mallow.
For people who are too busy. Tree Mallow encourages us to relax and breathe more deeply. It facilitates healing and empowerment. When we are more calm, and moving from a place of being truly present, we are able to accomplish more.
Wood is the time for moving forward with projects and things can unfold quickly at this time of year. Tree Mallow is like relaxation fuel…. The more relaxed, centred and empowered we are, the more physical and mental tasks we are able to successfully undertake. Many people still labour under the false belief that we push first and relax afterwards. Actually, we need to come into the present moment first, and when do this, our lives unfold without tension and with much greater ease.
March is always a special month in our family. Arthur was born on 14 March, Chris on the 18th and my first-born son Jamie has his birthday on the 21st.
Now I feel I will be adding a new birthday to that list. The planned date of transfer for the Bailey Essence business to Jenny and Nicky is 7th March. Exciting times! Watch this space….
And finally, just after this newsletter was finished and ready to go out, I read my favourite forecast of the month by The Power Path and this quote jumped out at me:
“We are not saying this will be an easy or fun month, but it can be a dynamic and exciting one, as you allow yourself to be fired up and inspired about your ideas, intentions and committed choices of last month. And just like being in a large rapid on a river, you can either be frozen in terror or you can be exhilarated by the power and the thrill of navigating some very big energy.” Lena Stevens
Yes. This is a big month. A big month for movement and change. Very exciting.
I hope you have a wonderful Spring and that your plans unfold with ease and joy.
With love
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